In 2019 the company built in the plant of Villafranca de Los Barros the largest Iberian installation of photovoltaic panels.
Renewable energies are a major
concern in recent years and BA Glass has made an investment of €5.5 million
in solar panels installed on the roof of their Villafranca de Los Barros
plant in Southern Spain. The installation has a total power output of 8 MWp. Reducing the environmental footprint
is one of the main concerns of BA Glass, and new solar energy investments are
already undergoing in its Avintes (Portugal) and Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
plants. BA Glass is a Teak Capital Investment since 1998.
Edifício Oceanus, Avenida da Boavista, 3265 - 3.3
4100-137 Porto
+351 22 245 0710